Holistic Dentist Vancouver - Vancouver Dentist Tinseltown


Cosmetic Dentistry is art in the full spectrum of its meaning.   As such Cosmetic Dentistry is where the talents of Dr. Serge fully unfold as he an artist.  You can find his paintings in the office.

He will use all of imagination, ingenuity and skills to convert unsightly dental conditions into refined dentals smiles which will harmonically fit your facial and anatomical uniqueness.

Now available purely ceramic crowns and bridges made of high tech Zirconia, Elite or Empress can give an exceptional Hollywood style look.

Cosmetic dentistry includes ceramic as well as composite restorations. The veneers,on lays, or crowns are perfectly adjusted to suit the natural teeth color of the patient. All anatomical features of the patient’s face are carefully considered. The current health and dental conditions of the patient are also studied.

Cosmetic dentistry, as the name suggests, is dentistry that beautifies your teeth. There are many different procedures that are undertaken under cosmetic dentistry.

One of the most common forms of cosmetic dentistry is the gum lift. This procedure is undertaken to correct the unevenness in the gums of a person to give him a more beautiful smile. Also, almost all anomalies of the teeth are related to the gums and gum lift is a way of ensuring that the person keeps the health hazards relates to the gums, at bay.

Dr Serge emphasizes Bio-Compatible Materials.






Stained, cracked and cracked teeth are corrected by the use of veneers. This procedure is always conducted under the supervision of licensed and qualified professionals and is used to correct a wide variety of imperfections. This includes resizing or reshaping the tooth and binding a custom mould to the reshaped or resized tooth. This procedure is permanent.



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66 Keefer Place
Vancouver, B.C.
V6B 0C9, Canada
Phone: (604) 708-6042
Emergencies: (604) 787-8142
E-mail: info@doctorserge.com